IS Services & Solutions

Mobile Application

Mobile Application Development

Durwankur Technologies provide impressive iOS and Android app development with the trending tech, as well as cross platform app development your business can rely on. Leverage our years of experience working with different genre of clients. Trusted Mobile Application Development service providers for high quality results at competitive prices.

Best Mobile Application Development Services

Most websites look fine on a desktop computer or on a laptop. The same site on a phone can be a Frustraiting experience Most desktop websites were not designed to be viewed on the small screens of mobile devices.Fonts can be too small, images are too large, navigation can be clunky, flash simply wont work, lengthy page load, and the list goes on and on.

Even with zoom features, viewing the same website on a cell phone screen is a frustraiting user experience. Don't risk annoying your customers, losing them to competitors or harming your brand.

A mobile website is a website that is made to be compatible and easily accessed on a mobile phone.

Durwankur has an immense expertise in creating custom software for mobile industry domain. We have been continuously extending our experience in iPhone Application Development, Windows Mobile, BlackBerry, J2ME, SimToolkit, PDA, Brew, Palm, Symbian and more. Currently we are able to develop and deploy solutions that meet any needs for practically every platform. We have successfully worked on various projects of different degree of complexity: from entertainment applications (e.g. iPhone location based apps, java games or video broadcasting) to complex enterprise solutions (streaming real-time FINANCIAL applications).

All our solutions are designed, implemented and deployed by following strict and controlled budgeting. We dearly respect the value of time, commitment and effort that our customers run their business on and hence all our projects compliment and adhere their deadlines and expectations in terms of time and cost. We follow best practices ensuring projects are delivered on-time & within the decided budget, meeting all business requirements of our clients.

Besides applications engineering, Durwankur offers porting services (Symbian to iPhone, etc.). Durwankur expert professionals are able to port any existing mobile application to any other desired platform(s) on which it will perform in the same way as on the original one. Porting facilitates our customers to expand their product offering to wider audiences and new markets, thus increasing their revenue. Currently we are potent with all the required expertise to port between numerous platforms avoiding functional losses.